
Margarita Pagès Cueto, psicòloga col·legiada 13956, llicenciada en Psicologia per la Universitat Ramon Llull (URL), psicòloga Forense acreditada pel Consell General del Col·legi de Psicòlegs d’Espanya, membre del Torn d’Intervenció Psicològica (TIP) de Psicòlegs Perits del Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya (COPC), Màster en Psicopatologia Legal i Forense i Criminològica per la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC); Màster en peritatge penal, civil, familiar i laboral per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), col.laboradora de la Universitat Abat Oliva i Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) . Experta en neuropsicologia forense per la UAB. Postgrau en Salut Mental d’Adults per la FVB.



Margarita Pagès Cueto, psicòloga col·legiada 13956, llicenciada en Psicologia per la Universitat Ramon Llull (URL), psicòloga Forense acreditada pel Consell General del Col·legi de Psicòlegs d’Espanya, membre del Torn d’Intervenció Psicològica (TIP) de Psicòlegs Perits del Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya (COPC), Màster en Psicopatologia Legal i Forense i Criminològica per la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC); Màster en peritatge penal, civil, familiar i laboral per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), col.laboradora de la Universitat Abat Oliva i Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) . Experta en neuropsicologia forense per la UAB. Postgrau en Salut Mental d’Adults per la FVB.


Legal and forensic psychology

Experts in the preparation of expert reports

  • Expert reports: expertise, psychological and forensic counter-expertise and supervision of experts Expert reports: expertise, Expert reports: expertise, psychological and forensic counter-expertise, forensic and expert supervision
  • Penal: Criminal: witness credibility, assessment of psychological sequelae, domestic violence, gender violence, child abuse, risk situations
  • Familia: Family: guardianship and custody, visitation, assessment of positive parentality, assessment of parental interference, loyalty conflicts
  • Civil: Civil: psychological damage, incapacity assessment, testamentary capacity, nullity of marriage

psicologia jurídica i forense

Experts in the preparation of expert reports

  • Expert reports: expertise, psychological and forensic counter-expertise and supervision of experts Expert reports: expertise, Expert reports: expertise, psychological and forensic counter-expertise, forensic and expert supervision
  • Penal: Criminal: witness credibility, assessment of psychological sequelae, domestic violence, gender violence, child abuse, risk situations
  • Familia: Family: guardianship and custody, visitation, assessment of positive parentality, assessment of parental interference, loyalty conflicts
  • Civil: Civil: psychological damage, incapacity assessment, testamentary capacity, nullity of marriage

Clinical Psychology

Evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation

  • Child, adolescent and adult psychology
  • Anxiety, depression and stress treatments
  • Emotional dependence
  • Self-esteem and social skills
  • Parento-filial orientation
  • Improvement of parental competencies

Clinical Psychology

Evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation

  • Child, adolescent and adult psychology
  • Anxiety, depression and stress treatments
  • Emotional dependence
  • Self-esteem and social skills
  • Parento-filial orientation
  • Improvement of parental competencies


Assessment of abilities and rehabilitation exercises, attention deficit disorders, brain damage, learning and language problems, cognitive difficulties due to mental illness or addictions.


Assessment of abilities and rehabilitation exercises, attention deficit disorders, brain damage, learning and language problems, cognitive difficulties due to mental illness or addictions.


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